Our cloud based Billing & Customer Experience solutions can be used if you have shops, E-Seva centers, medical shops, provision stores, etc. It integrates billing solution along with customer management features like customer wise payment details, outstanding payments, advance payments, etc. Integrates with SMS Gateway for sending SMS to customers on payment, product delivery readiness and bulk SMS for promotional offers. Features in Billing & Customer Experience Solution

  • Cloud based server application
  • Web Browser based client
  • Multiple billing operators and cash collection points
  • You can create new products categories, products with different pricing strategies
  • Workflow for the services till closure
  • Customer Experience using SMS and E-Mail facilities
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly reports on revenue
  • Operator wise billing volume reports
  • In-build todo list management
  • Solution applies to Grocery shop, Medical shop, Recharge centers, Electricals / Electronics shop